Lake Kastoba Located in the village of Paromaan, sub-district of Tambak in Bawean Isle. The lake is 30 Ha wide and it is 300 m above sea level. It is 5 km away from the capital of the sub-district of which the rest 3 km is a path. |
Location fascination of tourism this is the mausoleum believed to have legend and trusted by society around. Both the mausoleum have length about 15 metre and wide 2 metre
address :
countryside of Lebak
District of Sangkapura
Weliyang Siti Jaenab is wife of Sunan Giri dying moment do complete journey of moment anchor in Coast of Mayangkra. Around mausoleum there are place and also mosque take a rest to visitor and here terdadpat also place museum of menyimpan goods property of Walitang Siti Jaenab.
According to history of Siti Fatimah binti Maimun is child a king of Gedah, she stop by in port of gresik and finally die year 1082 Masehi. she also represent spreader of religion of islam in land of Java.
address :
countryside of Leran
district of Manyar,Gresik.
Nyai Ageng Pinatih is a rich merchant which lifted become harbourmasterer head port of Gresik a period of feather in one's cap of Majapahit. besides she also represent mother lift from Raden Paku and Sunan Giri.
RADEN SANTRI MAUSOLEUM ( MAKAM RADEN SANTRI ) Raden Santri represent cousin of Maulana Malik Ibrahim and get title of Raden Syajid Ali Murtadlo. after Maulana Malik Ibrahim die he propagating religion of islam in land of Java. | |
SUNAN PRAPEN MAUSOLEUM ( MAKAM SUNAN PRAPEN ) Sunan Prapen is substitution of Sunan Giri, he pass away year 1605. fascination which there are in this mausoleum is ommission situs found on and wall of cungkup mausoleum depicting prosperity of commerce in that period. | |
address : | ||
Maulana Malik Ibrahim is buttonhole spreader of Islam in land of jawa and represent eldest sponsor from is ninth of sponsor. in this mausoleum complex there are family mausoleums and public building of mausoleum of maulana ibrahim malik have separate specification, this matter seen tombstone materials dai and article style of arab. Made tombstone of marmer with style of gujarat. |
Port of Gresik
Located 1 km away from the city. It is well managed by PT. Pelindo III. | |
Noko Isle
Noko isle is a sea garden closed to the isle of Bawean. Located in the village of Daun, sub-district of Sangkapura, Noko is 10 km away from the capital of the city. It is reached by motor boat.
Hot Springs Attraction
Located in the village of Sawahmulyo (Bawean Isle), sub-district of Sangkapura, It is 80 miles away from the capital of the regency, can be reached by ships/ jet foil. The road to this site (500 m) is not asphalted yet.
Birds Preservation
40 km away from the capital of the regency. Located in the village of Pangkah Kulon. The road condition is fairly good. The attraction is managed by village society of Pangkah Kulon.
Tourism City Blitar jawa Timur
The Veranda in Aryo Blitar’s grave.
| Aryo Blitar’s grave is located in Blitar sub-district of Sukorejo district more or less 2 km at west part of Blitar City. |
This graveyard is very crowded at Asyura month, and every Friday night of legi. Many people come to this graveyard to get blessing of Aryo Blitar.
- Gebang Palace
| Gebang Palace (Bung Karno’s House) represents Bung Karno parents’ resident. This palace is not far from Bung Karno’s grave more or less 2 km southern, precisely in Sultan Agung street number 69 Blitar City. |
There is Haul which always holds in Bung Karnos house yearly. That prosession is visited by many people and there are many arts activity that enliven Bung Karno’s haul.
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- The PETA’s Monument
To honour the PETA’s struggling, so it was built a monument which located in front of PETA’s headquarter in Soedanco Supriyadi street.
- Kebon Rojo
It is represent an amusement centre and family recreation’s place which reside in the housing complex of Blitar Mayor and it is provided for public community/tourists with free of charge. There are various kind of rare animals, playground, place for relaxing, appreciation’s stage with a cenotaph background to commemorate one century of Sukarno’s ages, a fountain and some of rare plants that have function as town lung.
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- Sumber udel
Sumber Udel swimmingpool has national standart because its consist of two types of swimmingpool, those are for children and for adults. Sumber Udel swimmingpool also have some facilities for instances:
1. Children s playground
2. Happy podium with typical art of Blitar’s performance which presented monthly.
3. Representative of parking lot.
- The Information Center of Commercial and Tourism (PIPP)
The existence of PIPP has purpose to provide such information service center to all of economic actor, especially commercial actor, besides as information service of tourism. Where those case represent formulation of development system of excellent service and produt as which stated in Blitar City vision. In the existency and its development, PIPP of Blitar City become media of information integration and tourism publication with local potency altogether between area in Blitar City and sourronding area such as Blitar Regency, Kediri Regency and City, Trenggalek Regency, Tulungagung Regency, Nganjuk Regency and another area in Bakorwil Madiun administration.
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-The Proclamator’s Grave
This grave was located in Bendogerit sub-district, Sananwetan district of Blitar City, East Java. At that time, Karang Mulyo’s Burial as the last resort of Bung Karno, there he was accompanied by his father "R. Soekeni Sosrodihardjo and his mother Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. This Graveyard consist of three important buildings, those are:
I. The Main Building (Cungkup of Bung Karno’s Grave)
II. The Supporting Buildings
III. The Complement Buildings.
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- Bung Karno Proclamator’s Library
This International level library is situated in the southern side, its location is the same with complex of Bung Karno’s Grave in Kalasan street number 1 Blitar. Hierarchically, the height of location has different significant although they were situated in the same complex, so between the height of graveyard and library are differenciated.
The attendance of Bung Karno Proclamator s Library in Blitar City represent strategic icon, besides improving the exist resources in Blitar City and it is also strategic in the sequence to realize the character building of Indonesia. The function of Bung Karno Proclamator Library is for center study which will give contribution for Indonesian people, the form of contribution is the past wisdom which dug from Bung Karno’s ideas, from the result of general research.
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- Grebeg Pancasila
It is such commemoration of Pancasilas Birthday which is designed as a cultural event. It is conducted by Blitars artisans, its also wrapped with etic and esthetic touchs without leaving the sacred significance of ceremony. This procession is conducted in Blitars City Square every June 1st. The ritual procession of Grebeg Pancasila contains three main programmes. Among of them is cultural Ceremony which held in Blitar Citys Square, Five Artificial Mounts Prosession which was paraded in some Blitar City’s roads, and Five Basic Principles Kenduri which was held in Bung Karnos Graveyard.
The chains of Grebeg Pancasila Prossesion are performed with artistic touchs ad cultures and it was colaborated with historical values. The recorded of Bung Karno’s speech was denounced, then continued with prossesion of Five Artificial Mounts which were guarded by one knight, six knights, and forty-five knights. Those prosession was signed the founding of Pancasila, June 1st, 1945.
Except the guardian of five artificial mounts, this prosession also followed by Bhineka Tunggal Ika’s troop and accompanied with Dayang Ayu dan Dayang Bagus. The prosession of five artificial mounts are finished in Bung Karno’s Grave as the founder of Pancasila. This Grave is located in Bendogerit sub-district, sananwetan district of Blitar City. The ultimate of prosession represent take a blessing. Five artificial mounts will be given to all of visitors and sourronding community.
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- Kangmas And Diajeng Of Blitar City
The event of Kangmas and Diajeng Selection in Blitar City is held yearly which done by Bliar’s Goverment trough The Board of Communication Information and Tourism of Blitar City, the selection of Kangmas and Diajeng in Blitar City is used as media to filter the potency of local youth, it is also correlated with polecy’s direction of Blitar City to build the local tourism and culture become media for developing tourism and promote it , consistently into local, national or even International scale.
- Bung Karno’s Haul
The commemoration of Bung Karno s Haul is not only to memorize the day when Bung Karno died in July, 21st 1970 but it is also used as media to take example the struggle and lesson of Bung Karno.The ultimate prosession is held in Ndalem Gebang which represents the house of Bung Karno’s parents. This house is located on Sultan Agung street number 69, blitar. The prosession is not only held in ndalem Gebang but also it is held in Bung Karno’s Grave, by sowing the flowers in his tombs as the chains of haul.
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